"You're there for them. We're here for you." - Ontario Caregiver Helpline
Caregiving can be a very challenging and isolating job, so you'll probably agree with me when I say:
Being a caregiver for someone can be a difficult and challenging job for an individual both mentally and physically.
If you are someone you know is currently a caregiver and you wish to help them as you see they might need some assistance themselves, these 17 support options might peak your interest!
How can Ontario Caregiver Helpline assist me?
Ontario Caregiver Helpline supports 3+million caregivers in Ontario, by being the one-stop shop for all resources caregivers might find interest in.
So when Ontario Caregiver Helpline offers 17 support options, it's more likely to say they have 17 support options made specifically to help caregivers.
17 Support Options
Ontario Caregiver Helpline has a variety of sources to learn, connect, and build skills to better an individual's mental health, but offers 17 support options made specifically for caregivers listed below.
Support options provided by Ontario Caregivers Helpline
24/7 Helpline
Peer Support
Webinars For Caregivers
Psychoeducation, Group and Individual Counselling
e-learning and Educational Resources
Caregiver Mental Health & Well-Being
Toolkits For Caregivers
Young Caregivers Connect
Time To Talk Podcast For Caregivers
Health Conditions
Managing Care
Working Caregivers
Resources For Black Caregivers & Communities
2SLGBTQ+ Resources
Resources For Indigenous Caregivers
Find Financial Support
Caregiving Information Search
More About Ontario Caregiver Helpline
Providing 24/7 help line, webinars, peer support, group and individual counseling, eLearning and educational recourses, and much more relating to the wellbeing and mental health of caregivers across Ontario.
To find out more click here.